
Friday Things

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A friend shared this on Pinterest today and I thought it was quite fitting.

First Friday thing, I am UBER jealous of all the speedy ladies on the Oiselle team (and supercool bloggers) heading to Eugene for the Eugene Marathon (and half marathon/5K). I might have to start looking into it for next year: road trip!  Or maybe a quick puddle jumper trip...

Second Friday thing: I want to give a big shoutout to The Y because tomorrow is Healthy Kids Day across the country.  Our local Y will be one of 1,900 hosting events for this great initiative.  If you're looking for a family friendly place to exercise and there's one near you, run, don't walk to join!  It's such a huge part of our lives and the community here - can't say enough about The Y.

Moving on to third Friday thing: has everyone already seen this video floating around the internets?  I initially saw it on msnbc and it kinda freaked me out because that's how fast I feel my baby is growing up. 

Which leads me to my fourth Friday thing: I think I need to start this 365 Grateful project that Design Mom linked to yesterday...  Kinda like the Instagram photo a day thing, but with just one theme: what you're grateful for.  Love.

Oooh, just got an email from my 'hills of death' buddy and it looks like I get a pass tomorrow 'cuz she's busy.  Yay, today I am grateful for a rest day on my day to sleep in.  Hope you all have lots to be grateful for and have a fabulous weekend. 


  1. Hey Andrea, Love the video. Made me tear up. Too much for a Monday morning :) We were going to go to the Y family day but didn't make it. Sadness.

    Hope you are well.
