March 2014 in Pictures
February 2014 in Pictures
January 2014 in Pictures
This Weeks Eats 4.27.14 and an Ode to Indian Food
Nearly twenty years ago, I tried Indian food for the first time. I will never forget it, because I've been so very lucky that my mom has shared her love of travel with me. No, I've not been to India; but to get authentic tikka masala, you only need travel to England. The origin of everyone's favorite Indian dish (isn't it, though?) is far from India. My mom and I did a quick three day trip to London to take advantage of a Virgin America deal, since they had just starting flying out of O'Hare. We hit all the usual tourist spots, caught musicals (Tommy and Starlight Express) and ate in a tiny little hipster Indian Cafe. It was one of those meals that you never forget, heavenly.
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Our other favorite curry is veggie korma, on the left. |
- Monday - Cajun Quiche in a Rice Crust (very old Cooking Light recipe)
- Tuesday - Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Tacos with Blue Cheese Slaw (from Mountain Mama Cooks)
- Wednesday - Enchilada Quinoa Bake with Ground Turkey (trying this recipe from Pink Parsley and changing up the meat)
- Thursday - Angel Hair Pasta with Pomodoro Sauce
- Friday - Pizza (switching things up and having pizza on Friday for baby girl's birthday dinner!)
- Saturday - Top Sirloin Steaks, Baked Potatoes and Grilled Asparagus
- Sunday - Chicken BLT Chopped Salad with Fresh Lemon Garlic Dressing
Family Jewels 5K (Formerly the Jaimeson Jones Memorial 5K) Race Report
I ran a little trail race, ummmm about a month ago. If I don't write a race recap, did it actually happen? I'm not sure, so I'm thinking better late than never...
This race initially drew my attention because it's held every year at Saint Edwards State Park which is a stone's throw from my house. We've done PLENTY of hikes with the kids there, but I've never really run the trails. Then I got to reading about the charity and I couldn't sign up fast enough. Jaimeson Jones passed away from testicular cancer at the tragic age of just twenty years old. The fund assists college students that are siblings of children dealing with cancer, the shadow victims. It's one of only two such funds of it's kind. The story behind it is very much worth reading.
To make this race even more convenient than it already was, they had pre race packet pickup at Everyday Athlete: my favorite running store that's also a very short jaunt from my home. Super cozy shirts have been plentiful at the last few races I've run, and this one was no exception!
Hehe, quite the logo... |
Additionally, inside the packet, there were these little silver dollar sized samples of the homemade pie that Jaimeson's mother serves up after the run every year. I KNOW, RIGHT?
With my bib in hand the day before, I was free to sleep until at least 8AM on race day! After gearing up and driving over, I was still plenty early to warm up a bit for a 9AM start. It was a pretty chilly and damp March morning, but thankfully free of rain. We lined up on time and then the race announcements took a while, but basically had me in tears. Jaimeson's mother talked to the group about his cancer, his siblings, and how he loved to run at St. Edwards. The first recipient of the memorial scholarship was there, and he had traveled from Eastern Washington along with his family to attend the race and we all gave them a round of applause. Then she introduced Jaimeson's Bothell High XC coach, who was there to give us an overview of the course and sound the starting gun. Additionally, there was a contingent of current Bothell High XC kids volunteering. It was all so very emotional and such a testament to how much this young man meant to the community. Once I finally dried my eyes and we all had a few laughs over his mother's humorous delivery to get our full attention about detecting testicular cancer, we were ready to go.
The 5K course is part grass and part trail, running through the woods just surrounding the park and through the fields around the main buildings. I had done a 7 mile long run the day before, and I was not looking to go fast - just enjoy the trails. I've never really run on grass before and I really have a whole new respect for XC runners, it feels incredibly slow going!
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happy to get off the grass! |
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Our bib info/race results! I'm on the bottom right there, somewhere in the first 10 women to finish in 30:32. |
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Mmmm, homemade apple pie... |
This Week's Eats 4.20.14
It really didn't occur to me until about midweek that Easter weekend was coming up, when I remembered that I had to procure plastic eggs for my daughter's preschool class.
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And thanks to the Y, she got to meet the Easter Bunny! |
It's a nice excuse to buy the kids a few fun things and be lazy on a Sunday morning. Usually, it's a day for us to go and get our wiggles out together as a family at Jump Planet. It was a tradition for us to worship at the house of jump for four years running and we were so very bummed that they closed their doors a few months ago. We found other ways to get our wiggles out today, but it just wasn't the same.

I'm thinking I need to find another crazy tradition for next year, instead of winging it like we did this year...
The Sesame Soy Meatballs we tried last week were excellent. Meatballs make every dish more fun, in my opinion. I think I'll put some on the menu this week, too!
- Monday - Pizza
- Tuesday - Satay Chicken with Roasted Broccoli and Brown Rice
- Wednesday - Chicken Sausages on the grill with Alexia Tots and Salad
- Thursday - Stuffed Flounder Filets from Trader Joe's and Cheesy Spinach Quinoa (new cheesy quinoa recipe I found via Pinterest)
- Friday - Mini date night out while the kids go to an event at big brother's school!
- Saturday - Spaghetti with Meatballs (trying this new recipe from Anne Burrell)
- Sunday - Baked Chicken Taquitos (a staple from Our Best Bites)
Watching E.T. With My Seven Year Old
Watching a movie that I loved almost thirty years ago (!) with my son was quite an experience. Interesting enough for me to want to talk about my observations in some detail...
For reference, my E.T. doll looked like this one:
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this is going back in time as well... |
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I was not as smart/cool as Dawson to have more than one, let alone hold on to them for posterity, dammit. |
If you have this version, don't just put in the first disc, like I did. |
Here I was, fretting about how he would handle E.T's deterioration and possible death. I guess that we've talked a lot about death lately, and that he doesn't have as many questions as he once did. There was definite anxiety and sadness once E.T. and Elliot start to get sick. But, even before you could see the glow coming from the white container that supposedly sealed his fate, my kid turned to me and said, "Mom, I have a strong feeling that E.T. is going to be OK." A STRONG FEELING. I just about died. "Yeah, hon, I think you might be right." And whenever the heartlight glowed, he was concerned that there was a hole in E.T's chest. "No, no, it just glows so bright you can see it through his skin - there's no hole."
Overall, it was fun for both of us. I love movies and they mean a lot to me. So I'm glad we had this little experience together, where I let him stay up late after his sister went to bed (woot!) and he enjoyed my reminiscing about my own childhood. And, lo, I didn't get around to watching Xanadu. Womp, womp. I thought it was streaming on Netflix. I thought wrong. But, never fear, I obtained it from the library this week!
This Weeks Eats 4.13.14
Ahhh, it's been a really lovely week. I was dreading the fact that my husband had to take a business trip while the kids were on Spring Break. But, we've had such amazing weather and took advantage of it all week. And, yes, I did watch E.T. with my son. I have so many observations to make that I'm writing them in a post - lest I forget the hilarity.
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Spring Break got off to a great start with a long play date that began with lunch at the park, included a walk to gelato, and ended at the beach. |
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Actually taking turns and playing well together! |
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Everyone and their brother was at the zoo this week, the most crowded I've seen it. |
- Monday - Pizza
- Tuesday - Buffalo Chicken Salad with Creamy Avocado Ranch (from Annie's Eats)
- Wednesday - Pesto Pasta with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Roasted Asparagus (from Damn Delicious)
- Thursday - Sesame Soy Meatballs with Brown Rice and Sugar Snap Peas (trying this new recipe from Cooking Light, but using up some ground turkey we have in the freezer instead of beef)
- Friday - Chicken Fajitas with Frontera Sauce and Fixins
- Saturday - Chicken Parmesan (an old favorite Tyler Florence recipe)
- Sunday - Steak Chili in the Crockpot (Everyday Reading has the best Crockpot recipes!)
Books I Read in March 2014
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
This was another of the many Printz honor books I've been trying to catch up on, and it was pretty compelling, albeit dark, material (the protagonist is dealing with having been raped). It really called to mind the feelings of isolation most teens feel at some point in their lives (at least I did), and the author does an amazing job of putting you in Melinda's shoes in a very real and visceral way; certainly not uplifting, but very worthwhile. Incidentally, it's the 15 year anniversary of this book and Book Riot just did an interview with Laurie Halse Anderson on their blog.
The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom
This was another one of those 'not exactly uplifting, but very worthwhile' novels, as any written about slavery in the South are bound to be. In some ways it felt a little soap opera-like, with person X not knowing that person Y was someone's relation, etc., and love triangle misunderstandings. But the story was absolutely riveting and I could barely put it down, it was so suspenseful - in a very ominous way. The characters were all fully realized and I fell in love with every each one in Lavinia's family.
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
I just don't know about my affinity for self-help type books. It's just a re-hashed version of a lot of common sense to me. It's like someone went on Pinterest for inspirational quotes and then extrapolated it into a book. I wholeheartedly agree with all of her sentiments and would love to hear her speak, but my eyes totally glaze over with these types of books.
The Lost Child of Philomena Lee by Martin Sixsmith
A friend of mine suggested I read this and another friend of mine had told me she loved the movie, and I thought I'd better read it before seeing it. This was absolutely heartbreaking and riveting material. It exposes the history of Irish adoptions to the United States in the 1950s by following one remarkable story. I was especially engrossed because my late father in law was adopted around the same time, born to an unwed Irish Catholic mother. I will say that although I really loved this book, I wish there was more of Philomena's story included. We follow her for the first quarter of the book or so, and then don't hear from her again until the very end. Now to watch the film...
As They Slip Away (a novella prequel to Across the Universe) by Beth Revis
Thanks to Bookriot, I learned that Beth Revis wrote a novella prequel to Across the Universe, which is my favorite YA dystopian trilogy as a whole (Meaning, each book was great and the last one didn't fall off the rails like The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, Matched, etc etc etc - all fantastic, all they all fall apart IMHO.) As They Slip Away was a rather melancholy story of one of the peripheral characters and how she chose to become a drone on Godspeed (the spaceship where the story takes place). If you have 30 minutes and read this series, it's worth checking out.
Speaking of YA dystopian stuff, I saw Divergent last week and thought it was great! Although, I'm conflicted, as The Fault in Our Stars is coming out and it's really weird to have Ansel Elgort as Shailene Woodley's brother Caleb in Divergent and then play Gus to her Hazel in the most heartbreaking romantic story. I suppose there's only a handful of actors that can play YA roles, and the all obviously keep overlapping. Sigh. I shudder in fear of what they might do to Eleanor and Park. For my third link to Book Riot, I think they hit the nail on the head on why casting the film adaptation will be very important and have the potential for great change...
Linking up with The Modern Mrs. Darcy's awesome 'Twitterature' book posts roundup!
This Weeks Eats 4.06.14
I've got a pretty slim menu to share this week, as The Mister will be out of town for a couple of days. This is when I usually make dishes he doesn't like, or ones that can easily be consumed on the couch in front of the TV while watching Pitch Perfect or, lately, Veronica Mars. We watched Anchorman 2 this weekend and I'm inspired to watch Ice Castles, and maybe Xanadu if I have time.
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In no particular order, this weeks dishes for when we're all together:
- Pizza!
- BBQ Pork Salad (Trying this new one from Everyday Reading)
- Rigatoni Arrabbiata
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mmm, hopefully for Saturday night dinner |
- Crockpot Jalapeno Popper Chicken Chili (also from Everyday Reading!)
- Meatloaf with Blue Cheese and Caramelized Onions and Baked Sweet Potatoes
April Goals and March Check In
Drink that 72oz of water a day!
Figure out Spotify.
Get back to monthly photo posts.
I did organize my January and February photos offline, but have yet to arrange them for a collage. Adding that to April goals...
Goals for April:
- Finish up monthly photo catch up!
- Have a plan for the kids birthdays and get presents. Both my kids have early May birthdays and it gets a little hectic, although I've been trying to ease away from 'big party' expectations, we shall see...
- Get out to the trails at least twice a month. Now that the weather is getting much more Spring-like, I really need to take advantage of the trails while the kids are still in school, and I already got one day in this month!
- Lastly, go to the chiropractor at least once a month for an adjustment/ART. I felt really great during/after my latest long run (an 8 miler!) and I really want to keep the whole injury thing at bay.
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- March 2014 in Pictures
- February 2014 in Pictures
- January 2014 in Pictures
- This Weeks Eats 4.27.14 and an Ode to Indian Food
- Family Jewels 5K (Formerly the Jaimeson Jones Memo...
- This Week's Eats 4.20.14
- Watching E.T. With My Seven Year Old
- This Weeks Eats 4.13.14
- Books I Read in March 2014
- This Weeks Eats 4.06.14
- April Goals and March Check In