So, my hope is to update this monthly, but I thought I'd start off with what I've read so far this year. Love sharing book reviews, as well as getting book suggestions!
- Across the Universe, by Beth Revis I have a real soft spot in my heart for YA novels - usually the dystopian literature that seems to be all the rage since everyone finally caught on to The Hunger Games. This one is a bit sci-fi/dystopian - the main character and her parents are cryogenically frozen and supposed to awaken 300 years into the future when they arrive on a distant planet. Due to some hi jinks she wakes 50 years too soon and many mysteries about the ship she is travelling on begin to unfold. I devoured it in just a couples days - probably would have sat and read it in one sitting on a rainy Sunday, pre-punks. And, like all YA these days, it's a trilogy. So, I had to read the sequel:
- A Million Suns, by Beth Revis This one seemed a little less original and like a very formulaic 'whodunnit.' But I invested myself in the characters and the mysteries of the Godspeed, so now I have to know what happens. Stupid trilogies... Speaking of..
- A Discovery of Witches, by Deborah Harkness AND nearly all contemporary fiction is jumping on the bandwagon o' trilogy. The first in a series about a forbidden love between a vampire and a witch, comparisons to Twilight, Anne Rice, blah de blah. For me it was bogged down in too much detail, the courtship between the two main characters is dragged out for-ev-er and it's a wee bit campy - I had a hard time suspending disbelief. Don't think I'll be going back for the sequel...
- 1Q84, by Haruki Murakami Dude, just.... dude. I don't know. It's like looking at art and trying to interpret it - I'm not down with that. It was on every. single. best. of. 2011 list. So I muddled through. Check it out if you're way into the surreal.
- The Tigers Wife, by Tea Obreht This was another on all the best of the year lists. Meh. It felt like a bunch of disjointed short stories and, whaddya know, it started out as a short story. Kinda highbrow, smarty pants stuff that might have been fun to dissect in college, but not what I want out of books nowadays, i.e. brain candy.
- Ten Thousand Saints, by Eleanor Henderson Er, same review as above - maybe I need to steer clear of 'best of' lists... At least this one had a coming of age narrative that was somewhat compelling, but still too many themes and issues to really just focus and care about any one of the main characters.
- The Giver, by Lois Lowry I finally read the mother of all YA dystopian literature and could easily see how it's inspired some really great current fiction. This is one that I could sit and discuss at length - the value and sacrifices involved in trying to attain a utopian society. Haunting and powerful. Only downside, we're kind of left hanging about the fate of our protagonist - I HATE that.
- Austenland, by Shannon Hale Ha! Haahahaha. Man, I could have written this book. I mean, I like brain candy, but not brainless candy. There's lots of good, well written chick lit out there - that doesn't assume we women are completely clueless. I could tell exactly how this was going to go from the second chapter. I can't believe Stephenie Meyer is helping make this into a film. Maybe this will be one of the first instances of a movie being better than the book...
- Bringing up Bebe, by Pamela Druckerman There were some interesting anecdotes regarding the differences between French and Americans, but I felt like she kept repeating the same information. Definitely gave me a few things to think about. However, it could have easily been boiled down to a magazine article. I also became annoyed at the collective 'we' when she'd talk about guilt-ridden, neurotic American moms - some gross generalizations going on about moms as well as our children.
- Looking for Alaska, by John Green Now here's a coming of age story that was completely mesmerizing, mysterious, emotional and will stay with me for a long time. Two thumbs up.
- State of Wonder, by Ann Patchett This is the best book I've read so far this year. I was totally surprised by it - by the contents of a very boring cover, by the author that I wasn't super impressed with (I didn't understand all the hubub over Bel Canto), and by the story itself - I mean there were several parts where my hand flew over my mouth in an 'OMIGOD!' moment of surprise. It's a keeper. I can't even explain what it's about, just get it. Thank you, Princess Nebraska for giving me that last bit of convincing I needed to put it on the Kindle, as well as Looking for Alaska!
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