
Friday Things

I'm a bit apprehensive about the Captain Jack 8K on Sunday because a) I'm still getting over a crappy cold and b) I just remembered that the course is quite hilly.  After the Seattle Half Marathon, I was all about doing some hill repeats....  yeaaahhh.  Didn't get on that - I just looked for the next half that was 'flat and fast.'  But, no matter how I do, it will be a 8K PR because I'm sure I'm a bit faster than I was the last time I ran one, which was... ohhh about 13 or 14 years ago!  Yikes.  It's probably a good thing that you can only search back to 2003 for Shamrock Shuffle results. 

In the tradition of Friday randomness, have you seen this make the rounds on the internet?  Just in case you haven't, it is fantastic.  The internet can be fantastic and this kid is fantastic.

Also abuzz on the internet is the collaboration between Instagram/Facebook, which made me go and check if they finally have the app for Android.  And, lo, they do.  How late am I to the party?  So, I thought I'd take this opportunity to introduce you to my dog, Peeps, Instagram Style.

Have a wonderful weekend and don't go getting a sunburn Seattle peeps.


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