
Friday Things

Juuuust in case you missed this one that's been making the rounds:

Mmmmm, Wiener Circle. 

I'm low on content and energy; hot and sunny park days zap the energy right outta me.  Thankfully I put on my Rogas and took full advantage of soaking up some vitamin D on my neon white legs.

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Incidentally, if you've been waiting to get in on some violet Roga action, Oiselle just got more in stock!  Although I'm waiting until early July to place my next ginormous order when we can hopefully get our hands on some of the fall line they've been taunting us with since MARCH. 

WANT WANT WANT (from Oiselle's Twitter Pics where you can browse more grabby hands items that aren't available yet!)

I wasn't even planning on running today, but it was too nice out not to.  I just did two laps around the Y (about 2.5 miles) at a super EZ 10:30 min mile pace.  I hope it doesn't negatively affect my 5K tomorrow...  Maybe it'll help? 

Here's my latest Friday favorite cheez ball pop song for you to add to your guilty pleasure playlist: "Now or Never" by Outasight.  Enjoy!


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