Since I started blogging almost four years ago over at Born and Raced in Chicago, I've created so many amazing connections and opportunities in the running world and beyond. It's been life changing and I am so thankful for my wee corner of the internet. The desire to shake things up and broaden my horizons has been on my mind for awhile.
And, lo, Born and Read in Chicago seemed like the perfect way to indulge in my favorite pastime. This is primarily a space for me to engage with fellow book nerds and bibliophile talk. But I may just phase over all the menu planning, race recaps and random musings to this space one day. For now, I'll link back and forth between blogs from time to time and leave pages up on both sites for all my recipes and race recaps.
Books have been a passion of mine long before running, or maybe even walking? My first job was as a library page in my early teens. I have loved reading, being around books and talking about them since I can remember. I am far from a book snob and will read pretty much anything, mostly leaning towards literary fiction, YA of all kinds, and a little bit of fantasy or sci-fi. This is not a go-to site for all things Pulitzer or National Book Award. Although I certainly read nominations from time to time, including the 2015 Pulitzer winner among others. My philosophy is that books are meant to be enjoyed - and how we enjoy our books, and the books we enjoy, is completely subjective. In order to have a little bit of content to click through, I've copied over all of my monthly (and yearly 'Best Of') posts. And soon, I'll have them organized by author (and maybe even by title if I'm really motivated).
So thanks for coming over from Born and Raced, or Instagram or Twitter. I hope you stick around and nerd out with me over books. To that end...
Before I put my thoughts together for the monthly recap on books I read in October, I thought it would be fun to share my stack of reading for November and solicit any feedback on what I should read first! Well, since I've already started A Fall of Marigolds, tell me if there's anything I MUST READ next or should TOTALLY AVOID. I also have Luckiest Girl Alive ready on eBook - any thoughts?
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