
September Goals and August Recap

This is the first year in a REALLY long time that I was sort of sad that summer was over.  Despite the high level of sibling bickering and being together ALL THE TIME OMG, we had a pretty darn good summer of play, beach time, swimming and just relaxing.

Maybe it has something to do with my aversion to the youngest growing up?  Waaaah!

We still have a little alone time on Wednesdays, when she gets out of school earlier than her brother.  So I will cherish that time this year.

Alas, summer is over and I did get a couple of things done in August...

August Goals

Pack and escape for Birdcamp year two! 
Well, that was easy and fun!

Organize logistics for Ragnar Trail.
As many of us predicted, the race was cancelled, due to the devastating fires we've had in Eastern Washington.  I suppose it worked out for the best in my case, as I wasn't sure that I'd even be able to run with my husband's work schedule and beginning of school year commitments.

Do more hill work and start increasing my weekly mileage (see above)
So yeah, because of the unlikelihood of running Ragnar, I kind of let this fall off the radar!  I'm still streaking and just cruising along at 20ish miles a week.

Download pictures off my phone.
FAIL!  Moving to this month's goals.

Get school supplies.
Pretty proud that I got this done early in the month, armed with a list I braved an actual store.  In years past, our school has had some sort of deal where you can buy a big ol' box of supplies at the end of the year prior for a set fee.  SOLD!  However, that was not an option this year and I powered through.

Get kids haircuts.

Cross off as many left over items on the summer bucket list as possible!
The kids really just wanted to hit up the pool or beach, so that's mostly what we did in August.  With the exception of 'Camp Daddy' while I was at Birdcamp. They went bowling for the first time!

And they did the Iron Horse Trail tunnel hike, like they did last year while I was at camp.

I took them to a fun, albeit scary, new park with friends.  

And we squeaked in our yearly Remlinger visit!

But now it's time to put our noses to the grindstone for another school year.  Man, I'm gonna miss my little summer sanctuary...

September Goals
  • Establish a routine, and try my everloving best to be patient with homework.  September is such an onslaught of go! go! go! after the summer.  Hopefully we'll settle in quickly.
  • Check off all school commitments: new year paperwork, volunteer application renewal, volunteer training, curriculum night, etc. (Again: go! go! go! so! much! to! do!)
  • Fill out a new day planner. (Yes, I still like to write things down and it's my one fun back to school purchase for ME.)
  • Go bowling!  Since I missed out while at camp, I got another Groupon (that expires at the end of the month) for the place the kids went with dad.
  • Get myself a haircut!
  • Tackle dowloading/organizing those iPhone pics
Here we go...


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