
This Weeks Eats 6.22.14

This weekend was pretty darn awesome.  I had the BEST time running the Seattle Rock n' Roll Half Marathon.  I'll do a recap soon, but in the meantime, fooooood!  Lauren, Zoe, Stacie and I had a lovely time brunching together post race.  I adore eggs Benedict and really only indulge after a race or long run, like on my 'vacation day.'  Somehow, brunch just doesn't taste as good if I haven't really 'earned' it.

I also got what Lauren informed me was a 'beer back' with my Bloody Mary.  I have never heard of this supposed Midwestern thang, but I LIKE IT.  

Okay, there's the brunch recap, race recap soon!

As always, I'm linking up with Org Junkie, Mommy Run Fast and Jill Conyers - be sure to check out all the great weekly menus!