
Friday Things

Wow, so much overwhelming love from everyone who follows Another Mother Runner and those who've read my post over there - my page views are off the charts!  Thanks for visiting and feel free to check out my 'About Me' page that I finally added to this blog.

So yeah, what day is it today?  The whole 'holiday in the middle of the week' thing is really throwing me off.  It's lovely to have my husband home for a day, but Thursday felt more like a Monday, and that's just one big fat bummer.  I would say that maybe in the future, he should take off more time around the holiday; but we're both of the same mind that it's SO much better to be at the office when you can get in late and leave early it's nice and quiet and then take days off when it's hectic and we need the break.

Anyhow, we had a nice quiet day because my husband was under the weather with a nasty summer cold and I wasn't about to attempt the craziness of the parades by myself with two kids.  There's something to be said for chillin' in the backyard all day and grillin'...

Sometimes I'm worried I may just take a bite out of her, for reals

Not to be outdone in the cute department - this is his 4th of July bedtime tradition with the headphones

On to some other Friday randoms...  I just pledged to back this very worthwhile lookin' venture.  I have yet to get a Garmin, they kinda scare me and reading this post by the Bia Founder/CEO on the Oiselle blog got me REALLY excited about this very cool product. 

So this week's video it kind of a repeat, since I linked to it yesterday, but I'd feel like a bad Oiselle Team member if I didn't embed it in my Friday things, and it's just that awesome.  WANT WANT WANT IT ALL. 

I'm also stoked that it starts with my pump up song!  No lie, it's even listed on my Oiselle Profile: Levels by Avicii!  AND it includes another favorite running tune that I've shared on previous Friday things, Tiesto's remix of Youngblood by The Naked and Famous.  Really, I think I have most all of the songs in this video on my playlist... 

So, perfect segue into my song sharing for this week, a fitting one for the gloriously beautiful Seattle summer that has inevitably arrived: Two Times by Sun is Up.  Yes, the sun is up and will be for about two months straight.  Happy weekend!


  1. Checking out all of those songs! I love new song ideas for my playlist. And please, please, please pick up my keychain (and a new poster) next time you are in Forks.
