
Everyday Life and Menu Plan 10.16.16

Well, the big news around here was that we dodged a bullet and did not have the disastrous wind storm we were expecting. I was mostly thinking that I did NOT want to postpone one of my favorite meals AGAIN.

But we got it all prepped and, worst case, planned to make it by lantern light. Thankfully we have a gas stove top. And thankfully we didn't even have to do that, AND thankfully we weren't without power for more than FIVE DAYS - which is was happened during the worst windstorm we've experienced during our time living in the Pacific Northwest. That was nearly 10 years ago and beyond terrible. 

Now we're overflowing with batteries, extra lanterns purchased last minute from Amazon, and books! Yes, our disaster preparedness plan calls for a trip to the library. 
By the way, local yokels, from what I understand - this is one of only FIVE shelves of two week checkouts in all the King County Library System. Get thee to the Kingsgate Library for some new and notable releases, or figure out where the other four offerings are!

As always, I'm linking up with Org Junkie - be sure to check out all the great weekly menus! 


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