
Everyday Life and Menu Plan 6.19.16

Oy, this week! Within the first two days of summer break, my youngest had a stick thrown at her eye - thankfully missing it by a quarter of an inch, but her eyelid was bleeding. And THEN...

A trip to Children's ER! I suppose I should backtrack from that little teaser with the lovely beginning to our week, filled with end of year parties, ice cream and only a few tears (mine) of another year coming to an end. Not only was it the year my 3rd grader's teacher was retiring, it was the FIRST year teaching for my girl's Kindergarten teacher and she was just lovely. But it was killing me watching her dismiss each of them with an enormous hug and tears on her face! She sent them all home with this wonderful poem.
And prior to getting struck in the face with a stick, we were having a great day at the park after a trip to the Y, a picnic lunch and impromptu sprinkler action.
The sprinklers on the soccer fields turned on and all the kids ran around in their clothes getting soaked. But it was good fun, and I always keep a couple of spare towels in the car.

On Friday, I went to pick up my bib for the Rock n' Roll Half and help out with the Hot Chocolate booth at the expo (FYI - next year's code for the free TBD goodie is SEATTLESWAG2). As I was finishing up, my husband called to make sure I was on my way home because my son slipped on the steps at McDonald's play place and whacked his back so hard that he passed out briefly, couldn't breathe - lips turning blue, and felt numb when he came to. Since he came around quickly and was able to walk, my husband decided against calling 911 and brought him to Childrens once I got home, just to make sure everything was ok and he didn't damage his SPINE. Ah, another stint at good ol' Seattle Childrens... A few very stressful (and hungry, since I forgot lunch) hours later, everything checked out fine and he just has a terrible bruise and likely just shocked the nerves in his spine (ACK). So, one half week of summer down, 11 to go! 

Oh yeah, and I also slogged my way through the race on Saturday, going on very little training and running on empty from the crazy day prior. I shall probably do a recap next week, my first since Thanksgiving!
Thankfully my poor husband didn't have the scare of his life ON Father's Day, and we enjoyed a lovely sunny day at the park and tossing a frisbee around today. Now it's time to distract myself with some meal planning:
As always, I'm linking up with Org Junkie and Mommy Run Fast- be sure to check out all the great weekly menus!


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