
This Weeks Eats 5.18.14

Alas, the race today didn't go as I'd hoped.  Funny enough, it was a record of sorts - a personal worst!  I was thinking that if I put those pie in the sky hopes out there, that they might come to fruition.  Isn't there a whole book on that, The Secret?  Guess I should have kept things a secret!  I'm feeling okay about it and I've already decided on my next goal race, which will be next year.  Any further half marathons I run this year (like Beat the Blerch OMG) will be for FUN.  I may try to work on my 5K or 10K time, though...  

I decided that no matter how it went down, my sixth half marathon needed celebrating!

I also made sure dinner was as simple as possible tonight, and this favorite old crock pot recipe for Korean short ribs did not disappoint.  Neither did the mashed potatoes to which I added all that extra butter, because I EARNED it.

As always, I'm linking up with Org Junkie, Mommy Run Fast and Jill Conyers - be sure to check out all the great weekly menus!


  1. Sorry to hear the race didn't go as you'd hoped. It sounds like you still have a great attitude and already planning what's next. Nice!

  2. Those Korean short ribs look so good. And you definitely earned extra butter on your mashed potatoes! Sorry you had a PW...it happens. On to the next one!

  3. Sorry about your race, but at least you have Beat the Blerch to look forward to. That looks awesome!

  4. Oh bummer... they can't all be prs, as much as that would be nice!! That pesto grilled cheese sounds awesome!
