Goals from April:
Finish up monthly photo catch up!
Wahoo! Mission complete.
Have a plan for the kids birthdays and get presents.
I'm actually heading out today to get some little presents for baby girl who turns four (!) this weekend, as we decided that her main present will be a big girl bed with all the decor of her choice. Presents for big brother have mostly been acquired and we made reservations for our first foray to Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate both birthdays. Hold me.
Get out to the trails at least twice a month.
This was harder than I thought to achieve with the kids off of school for a week with Spring Break, which is when I usually escape to the trails. I did get out on the Burke Gilman twice this month on the weekends, so I'm gonna give myself partial credit!
Lastly, go to the chiropractor at least once a month for an adjustment/ART.
Yeahhh, I didn't go this month. I've been feeling fantastic lately, though. And it's hard to part with $60 for a 15 minute appointment when I'm not feeling any pain. I might wait and see if anything feels wonky after the Snohomish Women's Run this month and re-evaluate a visit.
Goals for May:
- The main goal for this month is to run smart, healthy and strong coming back from my year long hiatus from the half marathon. Sure, I have time aspirations, but I don't want to jinx myself. Let's just say that training has been feeling really, really good and we'll see... I'll have lots more to say after the fact. For the most part, I just want to cross that finish line without falling apart like I did a year ago (or the half before that) and be at least within 5 minutes of my PR. A 2:07:54 should be doable.
- Gotta throw some maintenance ones in here: make an appointment to get my hair under control, it's been three months since my last visit to my stylist.
- Update our Christmas memory book. Every year since having kids, I've kept a memory book with a a page a year with that year's Christmas card and an overview of the day: what we ate, presents received, fun stories, etc. I just realized I completely forgot to do this in January!
- Do the 100 Happy Days challenge. I've seen so many of my Instagram friends doing this and I really loved the Altra/Zooma photo a day challenge back in March and having a incentive to take more pictures. Plus, the prompt is the same every day, which makes it pretty easy. Boy, did I pick the right day to start this thing: it was a gorgeous summer like day here in Seattle, and I had it all to myself!

Yes, a large portion of my IG feed is this same view. But, it makes me SO HAPPY. Coffee, books, and today - flip flops! Here's to 99 more days of happy...
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