
Operation Stay Healthy

Posts on running and racing have definitely diminished on the blog lately.  My wonky leg is starting to feel so much better; but, I'm taking things easy, staying cautiously optimistic and totally babying my leg so that I don't re-injure myself.  Which brings me to my running theme for this year: Operation Stay Healthy.  That's it.  I just want to run.  I might even take the 5K PR off my to do list for the year.  

On Twitter, a teammate mentioned being overwhelmed by run-culture: when to run, how, why, etc.  I so identify with this!  As I've said before, I think my steadfast following of somewhat complex training plans was part of my downfall in the last year or two.  Which, by the way, is the number one way to "Screw Up Like a Pro" according to Lauren Fleshman's latest hilarious tongue-in-cheek column in this month's Runner's World.

I am taking every single point to heart

This year, I will not stress about the tempos, hills, speed work, etc.  I will not let my favorite cross training (bootcamp) fall by the wayside.  I will run the whole year by feel.  Now, I'm not saying I'm foregoing any challenging running workouts.  Believe me, I really want to get out there and put my Garmin to work.  I almost have to hold myself back right now.  Nevertheless, just running without any aches or pains has been pretty satisfying.  Since I'm not distracted by my pace, I've had the mental capacity to really concentrate on my form.  I remember trying to utilize some basic chi running principles in my PR half and haven't given much thought to my form since then.  Specifically, concentrating on my hip rotation, which I think probably helped my form and to employ the correct muscles when running, rather than over using my hamstring.  Which is exactly what was going on with the author in this really eye opening article called "The Whole Body Fix" - also in the latest issue of Runner's World. 

Apparently, the March issue of RW was written just for me.

 The injury that she is dealing with is also a wonky hamstring!  The jist of the article is that healing our injuries (going to the chiro, getting Graston or ART), is only part of fixing the problem.  Many runners do not have the wherewithal or the means to investigate and correct the source of our woes.  In the writer's case, she has what I've definitely heard diagnosed in some of my fellow runners: sleeping glute muscles.  I've added some of the glute strength exercises and cues she outlined to my routine of PT exercises for my lower back/sciatic area (which I'm pretty sure is the main source of my issues).  So far, so good.  And, I will not stop now that I'm pain free.  I know better and have learned my lesson: prehab is just as important as rehab.

When I was trying to decide on a marathon training plan oh so long ago, I thought that Higdon seemed too boring.  But right now, straight up mileage without any expectations (miles that I can customize with the kind of workout I want, when I want) seems like a fantastic way to ramp things up safely.  I really miss running long.  So that's where I'm at right now: a few weeks into a Higdon plan and I want to run another half marathon this year.  I'm not gunning for a PR - I just want to race the distance again after a year long break from 13.1.  Now the fun part, choosing a race and trolling Gametiime!  Any suggestions?


  1. I've never run any RnR races so I've been contemplating running the Seattle RnR Half this year. Otherwise, I'm running some March and (probably) April races and then I don't have anything planned until late summer when I hope to do the Tacoma Narrows Half as part of my training for my first full marathon (Portland in October).
    Have fun 'race shopping!'

  2. Stupid hamstring! I have a stupid hip flexor/adductor. Glad to hear you are getting some no pain runs and taking it easy, it really can make it more fun.

  3. I love that you were able to take on a different mentality from this; I feel like most people who get injured either don't pay mind to their injury's lasting effects or they give up altogether. its awesome to see someone who is learning to enjoy running in a different way
