I was really looking forward to this race, for so many reasons. It was my first 5K in over six months; I was itching to see if I could step it up for a shorter race and see if all the distance training has done anything to increase my pace overall. It was my first outing as part of the Oiselle ambassador team, sporting my team singlet:
It's soooo close to home and sponsored by my beloved Northshore YMCA. It is for a wonderful cause - Northwest Special Families. I was honored to be part of a team supporting a friend's nephew with special needs. Go team Ryan Can! And, last but not least, it's an awesome race to bring the kids to: they have a Dizzy's Tumble Bus and kids dash complete with swag. Check out B's haul, handed over in a Lululemon bag:
(also, not pictured, a water bottle from Woodinville Pediatric Dentistry)
But, I was worried that the kiddos might not make it out because standing around in the cold and pouring rain with two kids under 5 is not my husband's idea of a great time. The weather, even for Seattle standards, was not optimal. Please to enjoy, my MS paint skillz:
Yes, it did feel like 35. But, my family, they're troopers - albeit slightly disheveled and annoyed:
And, I suppose I was a trooper, too b/c I smoked my time from last year's Can Do: 26:18 vs 29:38. I was 2nd in my age group and 15th female overall. It's not a huge race and wasn't well attended, due to the horrible weather, but I'll take it! (OK, edited this to add that it was apparently their highest ever turnout!) I felt pretty good the whole time, especially after I got through the one hill at the beginning and my gps told me I still completed the first mile in 8:30. Then my second mile clocked in at 17:10 or so and I thought that I could still push it a little more. Although that last mile was full of standing water and I just felt like I was clomping along in my completely waterlogged shoes. BUT, I was so happy with my time and with the race overall. Can't wait to do it next year - even though they have a 10K as well, I think I'll stick with the 5K out of tradition. Maybe it'll be a tradition for the kiddos to run it with me one day... B won in the kids dash preschool category - sprinting in his fireman raincoat:
E, looking on:
Speaking of traditions, Jimmy John's has become my lunch of choice after every race. Mmmmm big fat Italian Night Club. I ate the whole thing AND chips, oh yes I did.
And tonight we're eating the aforementioned Beer Braised Beef after the kids go to bed with a big fat bottle of red wine and a Kir Royale for dessert, or three...
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