
Everyday Life and Menu Plan 8.15.16

Oh, heyyyy! It's been awhile since I shared ye olde menu planning! Seeing as how I was out of town for a few days two weeks ago, I didn't have much to share in the way of meals - well, other than all the oversharing I've already done via Instagram from our trip, beginning with the most amazing Old Fashioned I've ever tasted...

(Yes, I will probably do a photo dump post soon...) Then I was just too tired to do much planning the following week. Now that I'm back in the saddle, back to near daily trips to the Y...
and daily washing of pool/beach towels...

I finally cracked open the Chrissy Tiegen cookbook (that was in last month's library haul) and will try one of her recipes, as well as a few other new ones this week.
As always, I'm linking up with Org Junkie and Mommy Run Fast- be sure to check out all the great weekly menus!


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