
New Year, New Goals 2018

I find myself realizing, like last year, that I didn't refer back to my goals very often. But, writing something down is still fun. It's kind of like opening a letter that a wrote to myself one year ago: Ooooh! What'd I say? Did these goals linger in my subconscious throughout the year? For the most part, yes. That I succeeded in all of them, no...
2017 GOALS
Read 65 Books. 72! I had another successful year on meeting the book goal. Thinking I need to change this up going forward, though. *foreshadowing*
Get back to regular Mom's Demand Action Meetings.  Sadly, this was a pretty big fail. They tend to conflict with my school PTA and kids extra curricular commitments, so I may try to shuffle things around in the future since this is something rather important to me.
Get plantar fasciitis under control.  Thank goodness I took care of this early in the year. I did a pretty crazy treatment, but it WORKED.
Run three races. Even though I fixed the foot, I have still been wary of racing. I was still injured during Hot Chocolate season. But I did run the inaugural Tenacious Ten 10K! So, one third complete. (My 5th grader's math has me thinking in fractions a lot lately.)
Eat more fruit.  Yeah, I didn't really do this - it would seem I'm just a veggie person. In related news, the new salad kits at Trader Joe's are SCRUMPTIOUS. I could devour the slaw with orange tahini dressing by the boatload.
Get six new meals into regular rotation. I'm pretty sure I can check this one off, I got into a good cookbook kick in the second half of the year.
Plan the summer road trip and perhaps a girls trip. Check on an awesome Rainier trip and I'm getting in a last minute meetup with girlfriends next month in Nashville! 
Do the 52 Lists project. Alas, I think this book is more well suited for someone who doesn't make enough lists in her life. As it is, I make plenty of lists - so this fell off the radar. I may have a little fun with it this year, but I'm not holding myself to it.
I'm realizing that my goals truly are aspirations that I carry with me all the time, because they mostly revolve around the same things year after year: running, travel, cooking, and number of books. So I'm doing away with all of that and only focusing on bookish goals, with something random thrown in - like the year I made makeup a goal, which was DEFINITELY fun.
It's also fun to look back at my book stats for the year (here's last year's) when making goals. 

Of the 72 books: 11 were POC authors (15%), 55 written by women (76%), 8 ARCs and 8 audio books each (11%). But, I don't want to dwell too much on the numbers this year. Even though I set a goal for 75 books on Goodreads, I won't be scrambling at the end of the year to meet it - I either will, or I won't. I would like to read more intentionally, and spend time on allll those books I've been 'meaning' to read. 
2018 Goals
Read one book a month from my unread shelf. Yep, those are all of my unread Book of the Month books. I don't think I'm alone in having this pile, and I take comfort in the fact that the 'read' pile is bigger. Alas, I would like to get through them so I feel less guilty about choosing new ones, as well as an assortment of complimentary copies or gifts I have languishing on my shelves.
Read at least six books "I've been meaning to read." You know the ones. The ones that get pushed back because they've waited this long and that lucky day shelf keeps calling, or that hot new release everyone's talking about or that ARC gets approved. One a month seemed lofty, so at least one every two months should be doable. I just recently got around to Anne of Green Gables, and side note: OMG! I'm pretty sure I read it as a kid, but it was a total re-discovery and just about the most perfect book. I'm seriously considering getting the complete set to read...
Read War and Peace. Speaking of reading some classics, I'm joining the bandwagon and just ordered my chosen translation to read one chapter a day (after I get caught up) this year. Definitely check out The Ardent Biblio's post on choosing a translation (I went with the same one they chose).
Non bookish/food/running related goal: improve handwriting and have more fun with art! As a lefty, this is a lofty goal, but I think I'm up for the challenge. I also had a lot of fun doing art with my kids over the summer with the subscription box we received. Now I might try and use our own creative juices to have fun with art! Wish me luck...


  1. Okay, I have to laugh at improve handwriting! As a teacher I can honestly say, you've made it this far, you're probably good. I teach 7th graders and most of the kids now were barely taught it. I'm just happy if they can read it.

    1. Haha! I guess I'm more interested in fun hand lettering projects, but it would be nice to have nicer writing to look at in my planner :)

  2. My mind is blown that there are people who like veggies more than fruit! I'm definitely a much bigger fruit eater!

    1. I do enjoy fruit - definitely a good smoothie bowl, but if you offered me a big tray of roasted brussels sprouts or a chopped salad, I'd choose that!

  3. I love this goal of reading six books you been meaning to read; this is so great! I need to implement this one! I am super impressed by your War and Peace endeavor; I thought about it, and I guess it's not too late, but I'm not sure I'm interested enough to stick with it. Will you be at the Tenacious Ten again this year? I'm excited to return for another fun weekend!

    1. Oh my gosh, Tara - I just got my copy of War and Peace today and I'm SKEERD! We shall see if I stick to it...
      YES. I will for sure be at the Tenacious Ten - hopefully we will actually cross paths this year :)
