
December Goals and November Recap

FINALLY, my favorite month of the year is here!  For all my bellyaching about things that need to be done in October for Halloween, I have NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER doing all the crap that needs to be done for the holidays.  I love family traditions and food and time off school and my mother-in-law's yearly visit...  But, before I get ahead of myself, time to check in on November goals.

November Goals

Get some more content going over at zee new blaaagh! Yes, I started up another blog for funsies over at Born and READ in Chicago.  

Yay! I'm having a lot of fun with it and may even do a total redesign for the new year.  In the meantime, I got to review my first NetGalley book and completed my reviews by author page.

Thanksgiving prep!  

It was touch and go there for awhile, since my husband and I had colds, but we persevered.

Participate in Oiselle's #Chasethebird challenge: commit to 15 minutes of exercise a day from November 1st until Thanksgiving.  

The streak is going strong (day 554 today!), and I made sure to do a few extra minutes on my one-miler days during the challenge.

Do what I can to get ahead of the game for Christmas this year.  Make gift lists by Thanksgiving, decide on teacher gifts and perhaps buy a few things before December. 

I, as always, didn't get as much done ahead of time as I'd like.  However,

I did go a bit nutty in Target and checked off a major holiday task in finding stocking for our dogs Vader and Chewie!  I'm simultaneously thankful and resentful that this year is the big resurgence in Star Wars.  No, I didn't just jump on the bandwagon and name my dogs after Star Wars because of the new movie.  Please.  

Anyway!  I only have my own gift list done (of course!) and my husbands done with only one more thing left to buy - we don't go to crazy with gifts because we'd rather just buy our own stuff.  There are two or three presents and most of the stocking stuffers (I pick up something almost every trip to Target from the $1 bins) hoarded away for each of the kids, but we're feeling a little clueless as to what they really want this year.  The letters to Santa need to happen ASAP.  As does all the teacher gifts, and baking, and...

December Goals

  • Finish gift shopping. Pretty straightforward!  Hopefully done 99% from my couch.
  • Purchase and assemble teacher gifts.  I make holiday bark every year and put it in a fancy container along with a Target gift card.
  • Baking, so much baking.  It's really not a to-do item (other than for gifts, like the aforementioned teacher gifts), it's a 'treat yo self' item.  Because I can't fully enjoy the holidays without bark, making Christmas cookies, cinnamon rolls for Christmas Day and these AMAZING Linzer muffins I discovered last year.
  • Holiday Cards. We're running a little late on this one, but my biggest concern is getting that yearly picture for posterity.  So, I'm not going to stress about it and hopefully we'll get that done this weekend, along with ordering the cards.
  • Come up with some 2016 goals.  I had set the Turkey Trot 5K as my most recent run goal, and I felt like poo that day.  I need a redo on that one, probably the annual Valentine's Day Dash.  Oh, and maybe I should put together a race recap on the Turkey Trot...
  • Stay well, and pray to the weather gods that I get a whole calendar year of streaking done in 2015. 'Nuff said.


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