
This Weeks Eats 7.7.13

I don't know what I would do without Trader Joes!  I did my shopping early and got most everything on my list for this weeks eats for less than fifty bucks.  I love looking at the receipt and seeing if there's any item for more than $4 - usually not, and this trip was no exception.  I think I'll have to do another TJs Favorites list soon...

Also, thanks mom for the awesome Chicago themed reusable bag!

Linking up with Mommy Run Fast and Jill Conyers, as well as Rachel at In No Simple Language - be sure to check out all the great weekly menus!


  1. I agree! Love TJs! The grilled cheese for Thurs sounds amazing! No bacon needed :)

  2. I have been loving TJs lately, too- we finally have one within 15 minutes of us... of course, now we're moving and get to find all the grocery stores again. :)
